Saturday 26 February 2022

Something About This Month

After trying out almost everything which can be done during lockdown, one fine morning all of a sudden Pappa declared he wanted a tree house. One thing we know about him is that regardless of how out of the blue any idea looks like he somehow makes it happen. So mom didn't oppose much besides she was also wondered by this idea. For me it was like a relief from all those daily cookery show dishes images and videos in our group chat. Yeah when you are away from home, home food is the only thing you are gonna miss these days so that daily dose of yummy food preparation was definitely a sight of exasperation.

He finalized the location in one of our places and with the help of tribal people (yeah as per mom, that guy was blabbering about authentic feel or something like that)he started building that. It was quite ambitious yet not unachievable but with the onset of monsoon they planned to stop their work temporarily as there were landslides reported in nearby areas. Landslides or the heavy pouring rain did not cause any damage to the structure however due to corona spread and unavailability of previous builders he couldn't resume work. So he decided as soon as all of this situation subsides he will resume work of his tree house construction. 

Months passed and when I decided to move back to my home even though I was sick at that time I was longing to climb on his tree house when I get better. Platform was almost done so me and my brother even planned to stay on top of that one night once he is also home. Last February after getting better first thing I wanted to do was to go to that place and see that structure. 

So last year one Sunday like this we set out to our place. I was super excited and was planning to stay there atleast till evening. To reach the ladder of that tree house structure we had to walk down a bit through a sloppy path. Well as usual and in ease I was trying to walk down our usual short cut which was sloppier than the original path. Taking one step down, I started feeling tremble on my feet and with the next few steps I realised that my legs were not just shaking but if I progress further down I will lose balance and fall down. I couldn't also climb back so Pappa had to literally carry me up. On the way back home, I couldn't control my tears because it was something which never happened to me. I kept on repeating the same thing to mom and she tried consoling me by giving out all sort of explanations on why it happened and how it was so soon to try something like that but nothing she said was going inside nor calming me down. Failing in doing something which you used to do with ease earlier is a fatal blow but much needed to make you realise how much you have worsened yourself and your health. Well the person I am I felt this unquenchable need to get back there and try again and somehow climb on top of that tree house platform but I can't deny it was one of those firsts where I couldn't go back the next day or a day after that and then try again and succeed. Well mind wanted that but body knew it was impossible.

It took me almost a week to get out of that ill feeling but there was nothing I could do then to reverse any of that I felt. Even though it was way too silly I had pledged myself that next time I go there I would climb on top of that tree house platform. 

After going through yet another monsoon season and a later minor jackfruit incident which also involved an elephant, one of the poles on which the platform was built slanted down a bit damaging one side of the square platform. There was no way to continue further with the construction without mending that pole and also the damaged side which meant redoing the entire platform again. So Pappa decided to drop that plan for now. But one thing I decided then was before the entire structure collapses I should climb on top of it atleast once..

Well as of today I can record it down here that I walked down to the ladder through that sloppy shortcut, climbed on top of the platform and walked through the platform multiple times and with the same old ease and dexterity..the kind of content some achievements give to our mind can never be explained to anyone in its exactness but only felt and cherished forever!! 

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