Friday 24 November 2023

A Synopsis : My credentials

 This is something which I don't do often.. but yeah lets do it.  Anyhow I have been posting all those irrelevant write ups here anyways. 

My credentials :

  • National level quiz competitions winner
  • B. Tech in IT (Dept Topper)
  • Math genius (yeah centum in anything Math related so far)
  • Have quite an aptitude for fixing things, let it be code, issues, sys design, infra, anything; so decided to put myself into analytics, descriptive and diagnostic analytics for now on the work front
  • Currently pursuing my MS in Data Science, (yeah information is the basic of everything )

 I have an interest to write(used to manage websites, blogs, movie reviews,etc), click pictures often and there is much more on that interest list.. well, that is a long list..

On a personal front, I am a single mother, yes a divorcee and my handsome son is going to turn 7 years old next month. 

Now, if you are someone who has been reading this blog, I know a lot of topics came up for discussion here and somewhere I lost track of what I should write about anymore here.. Well there is an obvious reason which I would like to speak about why it all happened..

I have been on medication due to an auto immune disorder condition since Oct 2016 which was done proactively to prevent any issues with my pregnancy which I had to continue further basically photosensitive since birth which can call in for any sort of auto immune conditions from there on. Had to take MMF on the way which kind of nullifies your immune system completely, caught a bad infection coz of that which could be treated then itself. As of now what is the current situation? After almost 6-7 months of just supplements I'm back on immunosuppressants so yeah you get a lot of steroids into your system, I'm gonna gain atleast 20 kgs more the way I devour food, yeah can't help hunger.. doc asked me what's better with this emotional torment you go through , a lil bit of weight or a positive ANA profile..I agreed to yeah not exactly a win-win for me in any manner.. took almost a week to get used to the idea of letting steroids into my system again.. yeah it's happening again..

So yeah, since 2016 I have lost almost 3 -5 years of  my professional growth to my personal issues, depression and health. Since 2019 to 2021, I have tried to catch up with that only to fail miserably once again. Maybe I was not organized better or maybe as a woman just because you consider a few men or women as achievers and proclaim them as same there are tendencies for the society to look you down.Yeah, that can happen so.. But you know what, if you have to go forward you have to learn from your experiences. As someone who is willing to go forward, a mentor cannot do you any good because that trend ended in college, whatever you do you do on your own.. but no disrespect whatsoever because that is not who I am.

Well, what was I doing over those 3-5 years.. reading..voraciously, if there is any subject known or available on Earth I might have already read atleast a paragraph of that. I know that is not the right way to gain knowledge but I was not tying to gain knowledge after all. So if I have talked this and that out of the little data or info I acquired out of my pastime during my resting days, I really wish whoever I imparted the same to has known better. 

So yeah, even if I am back on medication (proactively) one thing I know is that ambition wouldn't stop here, going forward wouldnt stop here, achievements wouldnt stop here..the way I look at it all, isn't it also a chance to correct my mistakes..lets go!!🙏🧿📿

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