Sunday 20 June 2021


I am not going to make a big article about this topic. So, this is going to be a brief one.

What is balance to you ? What is the relevance of that term in your life ? 

For me balance is the equilibrium or the synchronicity which exists in this Universe on a broader level and on a personal level it is my focus and control I have over my mind which includes everything that a mind can control. For example, your thoughts, your emotions, your discipline, your actions, your words,etc.

Everyone seeks a balance in their life, but what kind of balance are they seeking depends mostly on their age as well as their priorities. So, to begin with, lets consider this Universe. Living and non living co-exist in this Universe and we are the living ones. Surprisingly, Universe has brought balance to itself even in the non living realm. 

If you have heard of the five elements concept, you might know what I am talking about. Fire, Water, Air and Earth and the higher concept which is Space. These are the five elements which plays out to retain equilibrium in this Universe.

I consider us as an extension of this Universe in many ways and because of many reasons. So, at the end of the day these same elements brings or more aptly plays out to establish equilibrium or balance in our life.. If you don’t agree with me, let me ask some questions;

Yes, if you consider yourself a balanced person how do you achieve it ? Exercise, meditation, yoga, dance.. What is your method ? Except for meditation, all the methods involve physical acts, mildly or vigorously, so how do you achieve balance by these methods ? I would say all these methods are just breathing with some physical acts. So the important part here is the breathing and its modulation itself. 

Yes, I know physical acts are important but isn’t it for a completely different reason ? Do you really need physical acts to bring balance in your life? You don’t need it because balance is simply established within you just by focusing and modulating your breathing. 

So where is it coming from ? I would say you are not bringing it from anywhere, you are simply invoking what is already within you and by invoking it you actually achieve an inner peace and thereby your focus and your control over you improves. So any method you use should actually be treated just as an excuse you use to bring what is already within you.😃

And any other day, just understand that the influence of the five elements is that innate balance within you and in this way you yourself are just an extension of this Universe constituting to the equilibrium which exists in this Universe. And that is a simple way of balancing everything out. 

Now, one of the most misconstrued thought is that a balanced person is a spiritual person which is untrue because spirituality is very vast and deep but you can say that balance is the first step you should climb to become a spiritual person

I am saying this because a balanced person might have established a balance within themselves but their thoughts and deeds might or might not be in accordance with the Universal equilibrium because only a spiritual person can understand and act accordingly with the Universe’s equilibrium.

So, no matter which step you are on or no matter what you are inclined towards in your life, just invoke that balance and establish it within you. It not just improves your focus, but also brings out a discipline which is so essential to live your life in a fruitful way. Because that level of dexterity is so essential to be completely in sync with yourself and to happily co-exist with your co-beings.😊

Live a happy and balanced life!!!!😃👍

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