Sunday 27 June 2021

That day..

Imagination is divinity communicating..

I am not absolutely sure where and when I heard or read it. But that day when I was sitting in the balcony of my favorite hut in Daff, sipping my morning coffee and glancing at all that lush in front of me. Daff is a marvellous construct, amidst all that serenity and extending itself to a forest after crossing a natural stream. That's a beauty I would never be able to get over.

Hardly 10 feets away from the huts, there is a small pond created for irrigation and other domestic purposes. My evenings in Daff, if I was there, used to be all about sitting some where around that pond or somewhere in that small island like construction in the middle of the stream and it's other end leading straight to the forest. Early mornings if I ever managed to walk up there in that coldness , I could spot elephants, deers are an always sight especially in the mornings. To get a click was almost impossible because if they ever spot me back that picture perfect moment would be ruined, so I never attempted one. Instead , I used to hide behind a fig tree there and enjoy that wonderous sight to its fullest. That's what some sights should be.. locked up somewhere in our mind with all its beauty, charm, lushness and perfection. A click of it would ruin that sometimes.

On some days, I think of all my favorite places in Daff.. especially when it rains. Rain has this amazing power to bring back beautiful memories..

That day while I was sitting sipping my coffee glancing around the pond, it was drizzling a bit. Mornings as beautiful as that can never be expressed in its exactness. Frogs around those pond were jumping in and out of the pond which brought my focus to them. That's exactly when another thought hit me and that was about this words, 'Imagination is divinity communicating..'. Honestly even though that was one thought which peaked my intrigue when I heard that, that intrigue was more about the lameness it carried. With all its lameness, I was looking at one of the frogs imagining it wearing a colorful skirt and doing a grand jete straight to the waters. I was trying to do justice to that lameness about that quote I felt.

But today when I think about it, I sometimes would be able to at least put an effort to understand one or the other thing about what is being tried to be encapsulated in Imagination is divinity communicating.. 
                     That day!!

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