Friday 21 January 2022


 Have you ever played this jigsaw puzzle took off a piece which perfectly fit in, assembled rest of the pieces and then while trying to put that one piece back, realized that it might not fit in there..

Here's a question, what do you think of feminism ? 

"I recently read somewhere that feminism in its essence when put forth as a concept would be something which lacks ambition in its entirety.'

I don't think I agree with this statement entirely but this is something which kept me intrigued for a while now. So I looked into my life and realized that if feminism as the term defines does stand for equality of women, in a family setup even though they didn't quite often use that term I have seen a father who has exercised the same with his wife and children and a brother who has been the supportive system for all of his sisters dreams and achievements and a mother who taught her children that irrespective of your gender type, being able to stand on your own feet is all of these hassle about, it always felt like my mother is just another prophet warrior and the males in my family her disciple warriors when it comes to exercising this entitled concept.

Then there comes my workplace where I have learnt that there is always a consideration for your gender type yet at the end of any day progress is more of a quantitative figure and that quantitative figure decides the quality of a person as an asset. That is one of the amazingly justifiable approaches when it comes to feminism but that definitely is not based on equality of gender roles rather it could be based on neutrality of gender roles.

 Next comes the society and yes I know there are so many atrocious activities around but have I ever faced so much injustice from the society that my awareness of feminism is built based on all of that? no., luckily or unluckily I am part of a progressive circle where women are treated with respect and dignity. 

I am just assessing all of these to identify from what would have that writer reached that ideology about feminism. All I can put together bluntly was that the writer could be a misogynist but rest of that article made so much sense that I am unable to do so.

I might have settled it all down by thinking that as a person, one's ideologies are derivative and could be based on their own life experiences. When it comes to any such concepts, for instance say feminism, what made you declare yourself  as a feminist or a misogynist is the right question to ask. Because there are always just trials where advocacy of someone else's cases are appealed and also unjust hunger strikes where one's own case is self appealed. So there could be something I am missing in my life experiences to being able to put myself in their shoes and think. As I already put it down here, whatever advocacy of womanhood I believe in is not rooted in injustice rather justice."

Yeah, this was a draft. How much cracks can appear on a wall of your belief system within a few months, you never know. Then, comes the obstinate effort to rebuild all of it back. But, sometimes the same structures might not look the same nor fit in properly even after building it all back.. 

 [This write up might need a re-walk, later]


Once it is all messed up, the most important thing to do is to get your perspective right and straight. My methodology to get it all sorted ain't indifferent; I give myself time to introspect up until I would be able to correlate my thoughts and actions, whatever puts you back in motion..yeah exactly that 👍

So yes, I had to go through something and realise that once you reach a certain age there is a norm to be followed for credibility or if you don't want to follow any norms you've gotta be convincingly good. If you aren't either of that, don't be a good person otherwise you are screwed. 

Now why start with feminism and the fiddle with something else.. Have you ever wondered how many categories of men are there? All I have understood is at the end of the day it's just men, men, men, men.. But do you know how many categories of women are there? Good women, bad women, wrong women, feminist women, non feminist women, blah, blah, goes on. And the most sad part of all of this is, it's not even men who categorises their own sisters.

Honey when it comes to men its way too simple, they want what they want when they want it, whether they care or not is irrelevant even to them because regardless of what they care about they would always want what they want. There would be a level and degree of convenience attached to all of it, that's all. And honestly they also come in categories yet it is somehow convinced that it doesn't matter much anyways because at the end of the day they would either be just men and in most cases to you yourself, your own man. And another thing is that no matter what they think of you initially they also figures out your type way too quickly than you and knows how to deal with you as well.

So yes, I believe there is a reason why my write ups on men took up only one article Manhood inc. but women started with Womanhood I, Womanhood II and paused on a drafted incomplete Womanhood III..and now that I also got to know all of it in its entirety from my own experience that is going to be a halt.

So yes, puzzles huh..yes it is, unresolved. Let it be so..

Happy and soulful living!!!!! 😊✌️


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