Wednesday 26 January 2022

Some days

A little something from this day.. As this growing up is all progressing I am realising unlike earlier times my son has started demanding more of me; time, care, affection, materials, etc. Honestly as a parent I do not find it difficult to admit that I am still in the learning phase to be a parent and that will continue forever, so I am also trying to put in more effort to accomplish all that he is asking for. Yesterday we were planning to go out for a movie at night, while booking tickets he came and inquired what I am doing to which I explained movie plans to him. I told him we would take him along to which he nodded. And as usual by evening he started getting ready, filling his water bottle, deciding which spare dress to take, packing his bag, I mean yes that kid is hell of an organizer, sag-capri cusp what are the odds isn't it 😀, all it took was to purchase him his own backpack, give him his own wardrobe and a water bottle, rest he figured out on his own, so I just have to worry about laundry and folding his clothes and arranging his wardrobe which clearly he can handle but folding is not quite his game yet. It was almost 8 and my mom called him out for his dinner and he came running to me to complain he also want to come along. I cleared it out that show starts late so he kind of yippee-d, oh yes late night cartoon binge is a sport which he would like to indulge in whenever possible even if I and my mom don't approve of it. And next yippee came out when I answered that we would reach back late as I don't have work tomorrow. Yeah, growing up also means a lot of queries too.

Anyways after eating his popcorn and drinking his juice he as usual dozed off within first 50 minutes of the movie and my brother had to carry him to our car. While driving back home, he woke up on the way and first thing which came out from him was "mamma, nale mammachu werch illallo" which translates into mamma you don't have work tomorrow right and I said no.
As demanding as that was, I didn't had any other choice other than spending the whole day with him right 😀 Our day went well today!! One thing I am noticing these days is how he has started to open up about his thoughts as well along with our normal conversations. 
Now this is something which we do often but what makes me write it all down here today are three striking things which happened during our conversations.
First thing; as he has started practicing football there would be camp on all holidays. So we had to spend a few hours in the ground. And yes, one thing I forgot to mention is that Agnu sometimes addresses me 'Dora' these days and yes he don't mind being addressed back 'bujhi'.
I have this habit of either asking  and cutting or simply cutting every interesting plant stem I see on my way to bring it back home and plant it down and whenever my mom sees me looking at any plant mom issues this warning, " Kurunari moshtikaruthu" which we all laugh out and Agnu is also aware of this. After his coaching, we thought of walking a bit, on our way when I casually brought up that I intend to cut down a plant stem on the sidewalk, he suddenly disagreed saying, " Venda Venda, imbalipo Dora bhuji Alle kurunari allallo, Dora bhuji nalla aalkal Alle kurunari allallo" which translates into "no no we are Dora bhuji now and they are good people"..yes yes I was hooting loud in my mind.
Second thing; after our walk we decided to rest a bit by sitting on a sideway bench before walking back. After a few minutes, out of nowhere Agnu asked me something which was like this, 'would people get bruises if they use cigarette, and then would they have to cut down those bruises.' Yeah " ningalude swaasakosham sponge poleyanu.." exactly from there. What can I say, I love that kid , I thought he came to every movies I took him only for popcorns but clearly not just that. Anyways I explained how 'these bruises are a disease and cigarette causes it so never should you take a cigarette'. Yess, these 'you should never..' choir is a part of parenting and even I don't stay away from it.
Last thing; as we also had to drop off my sister in law my brother had to come and pick us up. On the way I had some shopping to do,whilst I was away and at it Agnu did some mischief and my brother warned him that he will throw Agnu out of the vehicle to which Agnu replied, anjju ne ennjjalundallo, Devika maamane veruthe vidulaa" which translates into if you throw me out Devika won't let you live in peace.

How do I better put it all down, I created this one and every moment with him he never lets me feel anything but ordinary....every moment spectacular!! 

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