Saturday 20 November 2021


According to me, 
"Suggestions are seeds of thoughts which can be sown by oneself or an outside entity to one's mind which when allowed to grow can have an impact on one's own conscious thoughts and feelings".

 'Oh come on madam avalanche, that's one full load of 'C' rap!!' yes I know what it would look like but I am also getting somewhere. So wait, I have a point..

This is a concept which I had in mind since long and a book I am reading right now put a term to it which clearly conveys my intrigue and that term is 'suggestion'. I have always wondered when we rely on others how amazingly can their words or advices either puts us back into motion or even can weigh on us. An idea or a plan which can impact our own thoughts, feelings and even actions is something which should be discussed because if the impact of a suggestion is not going to be constructive shedding some light on how to deal with a suggestion will come handy.

As it turns out suggestions can be either positive or negative and even constructive or destructive. Another classification is based on who suggests and turns out suggestion can be of two types there as well, suggestions by self and suggestions by others. And one thing which is alarming is that even self suggestion can be either positive or negative and constructive or destructive.

If a suggestion is positive and constructive it becomes an essential however when it is just negative and destructive how to deal with a suggestion has to be learnt, but please keep in mind that I am not disregarding the significance of constructive criticism which always comes in an apparel of negativity. Ok let's just say what if a suggestion is purposefully negative and destructive and that is also a self suggestion ? Now how can a self suggestion be destructive? Well 'self doubt' is a suggestion.

One important thing is to understand that no two people will react in the same way to a single suggestion so definitely this is also something which would largely depend on one's mindset. A quick peek at some of the term searches in between makes me realize that I might have taken a concept which needs in depth study so yes I'm gonna sum this write up with what I had in mind based on my limited knowledge.

How to deal with suggestions?

Whether it be self or outside, a suggestion always comes up when you permit it so;

• Acknowledge or accept a suggestion when it comes your way
• Validate the suggestion and also assess why it came up
• Categorise the nature of that suggestion
• Ask yourself why you would need to approve that suggestion to be a part of your thought process
• Stick on to your faith and confidence in you
• If you can set a limit on how much that suggestion has to impact you, set it in your mind (Depends on mindset and this is an area which always has room for improvement)
• Take in that suggestion or respectfully disagree.

Have a happy and soulful living!! 😊✌️

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